Lotisse defense and legal advice is based on a personal and direct relationship with the client and incorporates the latest technical advances.
The legal team is formed by lawyers specialized in civil law.
We offer legal assistance and legal advice in any matter related to civil law.
Monetary claims
- Collection management.
- Non-payment of community expenses.
- Claims for amounts in civil proceedings: Verbal trials, ordinary and ordinary.
- Processing of executive trials based on breach of bills of exchange, promissory notes, checks.
- Claims for amounts caused by civil damages.
- Study, preparation and formalization of all types of contracts: sales, leases, exchanges, donations, loans…
- Urban and rustic leases.
- Service leases.
- The contract of work.
- The deposit. Voluntary, necessary and judicial deposit.
- The contract of transaction. Transaction on alimony, on matrimonial matters, on the civil action derived from crime.
- The arbitration agreement.
- The civil society.
Leases of housing, rural properties or business premises
- Termination of lease agreements.
- Evictions.
- Proceedings of “Tanteo” and “Retracto”.
- Demands for payment of rent due.
- Demands of the lessee for the lessor to carry out the necessary works.
Inheritance and Successions
- Advice and intervention in property division operations.
- Partitional Notebooks: Inventory of goods, bases, liquidation of the conjugal partnership and of the inheritance, adjudications, etc.
- Files on declaration of heirs.
- The abintestato.
- Probate proceedings. Inventory, division of the estate and adjudication.
Claims on the civil status of persons
- Disabilities due to persistent illnesses or deficiencies.
- Review and modification of sentences on incapacity or prodigality.
- Adoption of precautionary measures: Internment of mentally ill persons in specialized centers under judicial supervision.
- Emancipation of minors.
- Nationality: Loss of nationality, acquisitions, special reference to emigrants and assistance to foreigners, residence permits.
- Absence. Representation of the absent person. Declaration of death.
- Civil registry. Entries. Rectification. Publicity.
- Filiation and paternity: contestation and claim of maternal and paternal matrimonial and non-matrimonial filiation, paternity investigation.
Matrimonial Procedures
- Provisional or pre-suit measures.
- Provisional or contemporaneous measures to the lawsuit.
- Separations and Divorces: Mutual agreement and contentious.
- Liquidation of the community property.
- Matrimonial annulments.
Special civil procedures
- Executory proceedings.
- Foreclosures.
- Proceedings on filiation and paternity.
- Proceedings on nullity of usurious loans.
- Preferential trials on fundamental rights. Jurisdictional protection of honor, privacy and self-image. Civil procedure for the right to rectify inaccurate and damaging news.
- Injunctions.
- Possessory proceedings.
- Interdicts to acquire, to retain and recover, new construction and ruinous construction.